today it is seen at the new year imperial poetry reading party , certain events in shrines , etc . 現在では宮中の歌会始や神社での行事などで見ることができる。
since 1951 , he served as a koji (presenter of poems ) of the ceremony of the utakai hajime (imperial new year ' s poetry reading ) held in the imperial court and the chairman of hikokai (a group of descendants of the former nobility who serve the new year imperial poetry reading party ). 1951年(昭和26年)以来、宮中で行われる歌会始の講師(こうじ)を務め、披講会会長を務めた。
when indicating kunto at the new year imperial poetry reading party (until 1959 ) or in the epitaph of imperial family , it is put in front of the person ' s own name (in the case of an imperial prince and a princess , their kunto is not put in front of the name of their husband , imperial family ). 歌会始での表示(1959年まで)、皇族の墓碑銘などで勲等を明示する場合は、いずれも本人の名の前に冠する(親王妃及び王妃にあっては夫たる皇族の名の前には冠さない)。
although gokaihajime itself ceased to be held in the muromachi period , emperor gokashiwabara held a monthly poetry reading as an independent ceremony on new year ' s day in 1501 on the model of waka gokaihajime during the eiwa era of the emperor goenyu ' s reign , according to " seiwa utagokai saho kojitsu " (ancient practices of new year imperial poetry reading party manner .) (its author is unknown , but a copy of the book hand written by the retired emperor reigen is possessed by national museum of japanese history .) ただし、御会始そのものは室町時代に中絶しており、『晴和歌御会作法故実』(著者不明であるが、霊元上皇書写の国立歴史民俗博物館所蔵本がある)という書物によれば、後円融天皇の永和 (日本)年間の和歌御会始を模範として後柏原天皇が明応10年(文亀元年/1501年)正月の月次歌会を独立した儀式として執り行ったことが記されている。